What are Tags?
Tag is the name given to one or more group of people. They are more like labels or keywords that you can assign to your learners. Think of Tags like categories assigned to learners. Do you want to conduct specific sessions for learners based on the progress they make? Do you want to run a Live sePopularHow to Set a Drip Schedule By Calendar Date or on a Specific Date ?
When creating a Drip Schedule for your course, you have the option to set it to a Specific Calendar Date. This gives every student the same start date and release schedule regardless of when they enroll into your classroom. How It Works Within your classroom Drip settings, you will be able to specify a specific release date for every block in your classroom For example, if you set your Drip SchedulPopularHow to Organize your Courses by Categories?
In EdisonOS you can organize your courses by categories. This helps learners easily filter courses through your catalog and locate the desired content. Learn to create a Category to organize your Product experience for your learners. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Subcategory for your Products?', watch the video below: youtubePopularHow to Set the Drip Schedule ?
With Drip you can setup a Drip Schedule and unlock your course content when you need it to be available. ++For example++ You only want students to complete one Section a week to help pace their learning. This can be achieved by applying a Drip Schedule to your classroom!PopularHow to Create a Schedule in EdisonOS ?
Schedules are simply batches. The Schedule feature helps you share sessions across classrooms, keep your sessions organized, restrict access to sessions for certain users in the classroom via Tags. For instance if one Classroom requires five different batches for iPopularHow to Create and Use Tags in EdisonOS?
Tags are identifiers. So, when you want your instructors or users to be a part of a schedule, you use tags. This brief English video outlines the process. FoPopularHow to Use Dialogue Card?
Dialogue Card allows you to create cards with corresponding words or expressions on either side of the cards This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to use Dialogue Card?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to uPopularHow can I set Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) for my learners?
MCQs are a great way for you to test and track your student's understanding of your course content. This Video in English version will help you to set Multiple choice questions in just a few mins. This video in Hindi version will guide you to set Multiple choice questions in no time. How to Create a Quiz Click the Classroom taPopularHow to Manually Enroll an Existing Student in a Classroom?
If you have an existing student, you can also manually enroll them into a course! This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Manually Enroll an Existing Student in a classroom?', watch the video below This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Manually Enroll an Existing Student in a classroom?', watch the video below youtube How toPopularHow Can I Use Discussion Channel to Ask Questions?
Making your students feel that are part of your Online Classroom where they can communicate, be guided, or just stay updated on your Institute's news can be really beneficial. That's why we have created a built-in social network Discussion channel where you will be able to create questions on a specific topic and facilitate a Discussion that is as engaging as it can be. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How can you use Discussion channel to ask quesPopularHow to Create a Two Column Layout?
Two- Column Layout are great to have as a content when you want learners to have the Text book experience. Two columns makes it easier to have short lines, without resorting to large font sizes, or huge margins. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Two Column Layout?', watch the video below: This brief HinPopularHow to Use Guess The Image?
You can show part of an image to challenge learners’ perceptions or focus their attention on the essential elements of an image or graphic by using Guess the Image This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Use Guess The Image?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Use Guess The Image?', watch the video below: youtube How to usePopularHow to Set a Drip Schedule By Enrollment Date ?
Set a Drip Schedule by Enrollment Date When creating a Drip Schedule for your course, you have the option to set it by Student Enrollment Date. This gives every student a unique schedule based on their Classroom enrolment date. This is great if you want specific blocks released a specific number of days after enrollment. ++For example++ maybe you want students to have access to Section 1 immediately, Section 2 in their second week, and Section 3 in the third week of their enrolment. ThisPopularHow can I Upload an Audio File to my Classroom?
Adding Audio to your Classroom is an entertaining and impactful way to engage with your learners, quickly informing them while giving your Online Classroom a discernible personality. Watch the video(English) that demonstrates how to upload an Audio File to your Classroom Watch the video(Hindi) that demonstrates how to upload an APopularHow to Set a Drip Schedule By Classroom Start Date?
Set a Drip Schedule by Classroom Start Date When Drip is based on the Classroom start date, the schedule will come into effect when your student accesses your classroom content for the first time. This gives every student a unique schedule based on when they first access classroom content! How It Works When a student gets enrolled into your Classroom on March 1st and let's say they did start one of the Classrooms, we'll call it Classroom B, until March 25th. No problem! The Drip Schedule foSome readersHow Do I Use Accordion Title?
Accordion can help you set the summary of the unit by appearing as collapsible menu to your learners. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How Do I Use Accordion Title?', watch the video below This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How Do I Use Accordion Title?', watch the video below youtube AccordioSome readersWhat is Fill in the Blanks Assessment Type & How Can it be Helpful for your Learners?
There are lots of question format that can be used, one most prevalent is fill-in-the-blank-type. In EdisonOS, you can easily create a classroom and create Fill in the blanks question A Fill in the Blank question contain a sentence , even sometimes a paragraph with a blank space. This space can be left out on purpose where a student provides the missing word, number , symbol or a phrase. Learners can be expected to know the exact word or phrase in order to get to the correct answerSome readersWhat is a Product Category and Subcategory?
Understanding Category A Category is an organizational tool to contain your Products under a similar heading. Product categories helps your academy to classify the courses into meaningful sub sections. So, with the help of categorization, your learners based on their area of interest can find the products easily . ++For instance++ if you are teaching a course on Guitar for beginners, and you have Products that teach about Guitar techniques as well as the different kinds of PSome readersHow Can I Create Live Sessions in Bulk?
A Bulk Schedule is done when you can't plan individually and have a pre-decided plan to set up many sessions on a daily basis dedicated for your students. So it means, you have to schedule your Bulk Sessions for a certain number of days. Repeating classes (events) are special items in your calendar that occur regularly (daily, weekly, monthly) at a certain time. Each recurring event repeats multiple times and has several occurrences. All occurrences are accessible through the same link.Some readersHow to Upload a Video Content in EdisonOS?
Video contents allow you to easily upload and display your video content in your virtual classroom. Video contents are one of the best ways to show off your personal brand and provide engaging content to your students! They will include a play-bar and video setting options including resolution, language, picture-in-picture, speed and full screen mode. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Upload a Video Content in EdisonOS?', watch the video beSome readersHow Do I conduct a Live session(Single Session)?
EdisonOS lets you conduct a Live Class super easily :-) It means you can now schedule the single session when you don't have a schedule for a certain number of days. For instance, you want to schedule a session on Mathematics at 4pm on 14th April, you can set it so with the help of a Live Class single session schedulers. Watch the video(English) that demonstrates how to quick schedule a Live Session: Watch the vidSome readersHow to Create a Subcategory for your Products?
Subcategories in a Product give you the ability to further organize your Categories. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Subcategory for your Products?' , watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to CreateSome readersHow to Facilitate Effective Discussion Using Chat Messaging Feature?
In addition to Q&A Mode, the channels can also act as a chat room space among the instructors and learners. In every case the Discussion Channels have built-in components that address every type of solution to be discussed, without having to worry about external tools to create and upload relevant content. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Facilitate Effective Discussion using Chat Messaging feature?' , watch the video below: youtubeSome readersHow Do I Use Flashcard in EdisonOS?
Flashcards are a popular way to help your learners. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Use Flashcard in EdisonOS?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Use Flashcard in EdisonOS?', watch the video below: How toSome readersHow to Downgrade an Instructor to a Learner?
At times, you might feel the need to step an Instructor down as a user. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Downgrade an Instructor to a Learner?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines theSome readersWhat are Roles?
The EdisonOS platform has developed a new feature update called Roles. Roles help you create and assign custom roles to individual users, enabling you to understand how each user contributes to your online institute. You can either create a brand new role for every user or use existing roles; the choice is users. With roles, you can also limit the accessibility for every user and ensure that every user has the required permissions to navigate through your online institute. Now you caSome readersHow to Create the Bar chart?
Bar charts are one of the most widely used data visualization types. They’re great for comparing different items in your course or showing how things change over time. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to create the Bar chart?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For detailSome readersHow to Answer Learners Discussion Post Question?
Discussion posts are great medium of communication when it comes to clearing the doubts of the learners. And as an educator you can take part and answer the queries posted by the learners or clear their doubt. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about How to Answer Learners Discussion Post Question?, watch the video below: This brief Hndi video outlines the process. For detaiSome readersHow to Upload an Image to My Classroom ?
Images are a perfect way to visualize information, such as drawings, pictures, graphs to captivate visitors, and attract them to your educational content. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Upload an Image to My Classroom ?', watch the video below: youtube How to Upload an Image to My Classroom ?Some readersWhat is Mark the Word & How Can it Be Helpful For Your Learners?
'Mark the word' is a interactive assessment which allows a leaner to actually mark either of the words from the choices set by an admin. ++Usage:++ Mark the Words might be used for grammar exercises to test students identification of various parts of speech. ++Instructions:++ Use the text input to compose your activity: (*). Correct words are marked with asterisks before and after the word. ++Example:++ In this example, the student must click "correctword" as the desired answer. RelSome readersHow Can I Create Match The Following Question?
You can create a Matching Question for your students very easily. How do I create a Matching quiz question? This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create Match The Following Question?', watch the video below This brief English video outlines the process. For dSome readersHow to Create a Channel & Enable Discussions?
With Online Classes, Classroom learners needed a channel to put forward their query, clarify doubts or help clarify others doubts, engage in various social interactions etc. That’s where the Discussion Channels comes handy. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to create a Channel and Enable Discussions?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlinesSome readersHow to Customize Google Fonts For Your Online Institute?
The fonts add value to your text. It helps your readers to perceive information from the text. The correct choice of colour, font and text size can prove to be vital for attracting your target audience. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How tSome readersKnow How You Can Publish Your course
How to Publish Your Course Use this option when you are launching your course and want students to access your classroom content! Students can purchase, enroll and view your Classrooms once your Product is published. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How You Can Publish Your course?', watch the video below This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How You Can PubSome readersHow to insert an image in the text block?
An image, digital image, or still image is a representation of visual information, such as drawings, pictures, graphs, logos, or individual video frames. Today’s students are surrounded by visual media in their everyday lives. With their heavy use of the Internet, they are accustomed to accessing information in both textual and visual forms. BENEFIT OF USING IMAGES: (A)Images allow students to tap into their inherent creative nature while promoting attention to detail, critical thSome readersHow to Communicate Important Updates with my Institute Learners?
If you want to make an announcement and want to take a route for a quicker mode of communication with your Institute learners then News feature is the new way to go. You can share interesting News, Updates, Events etc. and also use the module to listen to your learner’s comments. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Communicate Important Updates with my InstitutSome readersHow to Display Notice Board for a Classroom?
Digital Notice Board is used on our platform to share classroom – specific updates like – a new topic, live class schedule, assignments, expert talk, communicating deadlines for assignments, holiday announcement etc. ++Note:++ This is a classroom specific feature. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Display Notice Board for a Classroom?', watch the video below: This brief *Some readersHow Can I upload a PDF file?
Inserting a PDF learning activity in your Classroom is an interesting way to provide material to your students which can be downloaded, and even maintain the same format in comparison with Word documents. Watch the video(English) that demonstrates how to Create a PDF learning Activity: Watch the video(Hindi) that demonstrates how to Create a PDFSome readersHow to Set the Long Answer Question?
Long answer (LA) questions require students to write detailed answers in response to open-ended questions. This video in English will guide you step by step in using the Long Answer Block Also this Video in Hindi can take you through the steps and you can learn the way to use the Long Answer BlockSome readersWhat Happens if I Enroll a Student After the Initial Start Date?
Any student who is enrolled in the course will immediately have access to all lessons released on a previous date, even if they sign up after the Drip Schedule is already underway. ++For example++ if you have been releasing weekly content starting on August 1st, and a student is enrolled on the 24th of August, they will have access to all the lessons released up until that point: August 1st, 7th, 14th and 21st. Related Articles How to Set the Drip Schedule? (https://www.Some readersHow Can I Use Iframe Block?
EdisonOS allows you to embed Iframe and you can help your learners to access content from third-party websites without redirecting the users away from your Online Institute. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How Can You Use Iframe Block?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How Can You Use Iframe Block?', watch the video below: youtubeSome readersHow Can I Create Tables ?
Tables to organize and present the data that is too detailed to be described adequately. As online educator, nothing can hold you back when you can easily create Tables using the Tables Block in EdisonOS. Take the help of this Video(English) to understand how to create Tables You can also check this video (Hindi) to understandSome readersHow to Upgrade a User as an Instructor?
The admin will have the ability to create Classrooms, Schedule live online sessions, moderate discussions, enrol students from the admin panel while an instructor can only start pre-scheduled live online sessions. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How tSome readersWhat are Dialogue Card & How Can they be Helpful for Your Learners?
Using the Dialogue Card block, you can create a set of cards with corresponding words or expressions on either side of the cards. User can view the hint on front side and corresponding word on back side. When to use this Component Dialog Cards can be used as a drill to help learners memorize words, expressions or sentences. Dialog Cards can be used in language learning, to present math problems or help learners remember facts such as historical events, formulas or names. How itSome readersHow Can Students Change Their Passwords?
Students can reset their own Password by editing an Existing Password while they are logged in. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How can students change their passwords?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How can students change their passwords?', watch the video below: youtube How Can Students Change Their PasswSome readersWhat is Accordion?
Accordion is a short list of information that you can use to help your learners remember on the topic that you have taught them. Accordion is handy as a cheat sheet or ready reckoner at the end of the unit. It leaves the learner with takeaway points for the unit. The collapsed headings become something like a table of contents. You can collapse everything except the part you want your learners to focus on. Or, if you think you might be overloading your learners with too much informatioSome readersWhat is a Table Content & How can it be helpful for your learners?
A Table is an arrangement of data in rows and columns, or possibly in a more complex structure. |Tip: You can use Tables to organize and present the data that is too detailed to be described adequately in the text which will allow the learner to quickly get a sense of the organized data. Use tables to highlight trends to make the data readable and easy to understand for your learners. Benefits of using Tables Sometimes tables contain only numbers, but a table can be used to compare and coSome readersWhat is SCORM?
A Shareable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is a set of technical criteria for eLearning software products. It is a zip file that contains a single course activity or a whole course packaged in a standardized format. SCORM files are created based on specific standards, which makes them work across different Learning Management Systems. It is a great feature because content, once created, can be used in many different systems and situations without modification. Related ArticlSome readersCreate an Assignment for your Learners
Assignments are great for any type of homework that you would like a student to submit for approval and provide an opportunity for student feedback! About This Feature Submission Block allow your learners to submit homework that needs to be approved before they can complete your course. This works great if you have specific submission requirements for your course or want to assess assignments and provide individual student feedback. This brief English video outlines the process.Some readersThe New Sub-admin Role: How To Create A Role?
Assigning specific roles to sub-admins like Classroom Creation or Managing Products wasn't possible in the previous version. With the latest Roles Feature, you will be able to assign a role to your sub-admins. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Role in EdisonOSSome readersWhat is PDF content?
PDF stands for "portable document format" Essentially, PDF is used when you need to send files that cannot be modified but still can be easily shared to the learners. The learners can download or print the PDF content for their future learning.So feel the need to develop notes for students as PDF files.Some readersWhat is Match The Following Question & How Can it Help My Learners?
Match the following is an objective test that students are used to since Pre school. Matching questions consist of two columns, typically one column is on the left and one column is on the right. What is the purpose of a matching test? Matching test questions evaluates the learner's ability to understand the similarities between items, usually terms and definitions, symbols and proper names, principles and scenarios, objects and pictures etc. Matching test questions biggest advaSome readersWhat is an Audio File Content Type?
Audio content is a type of published material or information that is consumed by the learners through listening. Broadcasting Audio content helps you to present the lesson effectively .Your learners can learn and retain the concepts better for a longer timeframe. Audio file format Upload your Audio File in the MP3 format. Related ArticleSome readersKnow What a Sub-Admin Role is !
Wouldn't it be great, if you could delegate specific roles to your team members? For e.g, you could delegate Jai from your team to handle your Classrooms & Products. Jai will only access the Classrooms & Products. All the other tabs like Discuss Channels, News, Website, Global Calendar, Notifications, Payments, People, Settings will be hidden from him. (https://storage.crisp.chaSome readersCan I Add a Presentation to My Classroom?
If you've created content in PowerPoint that includes animation, you can export the Power Point file by using iframe block and add it to your Online Institute as a content type. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Add a Presentation in EdisonOS?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Add a Presentation in EdisonOS?', watch the videoSome readersImportant consideration on Set a Drip Schedule by Student Enrollment Date
When creating a Drip Schedule for your course, you have the option to set it by student enrollment date. This gives every student a unique schedule based on their initial enrollment date! Important Considerations Enrollment date is the first date that a student enrolls into your course, whether they buy your course or are manually enrolled The specific time of day that a student first enrolled will determine the time that they will continue to receive content. For example, if a leSome readersHow to delete or unenroll a user?
There is no option to delete an already enrolled user. However, you can unenroll a user from a particular product or a classroom. You can also follow these steps mentioned below to uneroll a user: STEP 1: The first step to uneroll a user from the classroom will be to click on ‘CLASSROOMS’. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/320214505/f00da4517926c987678ead83/ScSome readersHow to Create a Fill In The Blanks Question in EdisonOS?
Create your first Fill in the Blanks Assessment Type Question and make the learning fun and interactive. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Fill In The Blanks Question in EdisonOS?', watch the video below This brief Hindi video outlinesSome readersWhy MCQ Assessment are so Important?
A multiple-choice question is a question type where the students are asked to choose one or more items from a limited list of choices. It's been proven that testing your knowledge immediately after learning a new concept can help improve your ability to recall the information at a later time. This is important if you want to ensure that your students are receiving lasting value from your courses. Quiz will allow your students to test their knowledge throughout your course, while also providiSome readersHow to Add a SCORM Content for My Learners?
You can upload SCORM ZIP files in your Curriculum. SCORM is a technical standard for many e-learning products and is often used to create course content. Once enabled, the SCORM Link will appear in the Course Navigation menu. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Add a SCORM Content for My Learners?', watch the video below: youtube How to add a SCORM Content? (Some readersHow to enrol users in Bulk?
You will like to make user enrollment in bulk at times This video will guide you in the bulk upload of users: will guide you to enrol users in Bulk: You can also follow the steps mentioned below to enrol users in Bulk: STEP 1: First, you will be needed to click on the ARROW as indicated in the below screenshot. (https://downloads.intercomcSome readersHow to Enroll My Learners in Bulk?
To bulk enroll your students into a course, there is a simple process that requires importing your students using a spreadsheet followed by a quick enroll action from your Users page. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Enroll My learners in Bulk??', watch the video below This brief Hindi videoFew readersWhat are Image sliders?
Sliders. Carousels. Slideshows. No matter what you call them, sliders are an incredibly versatile design tool that allows you to showcase images beautifully and more effectively. Image sliders can be served as an educational reference materials to provide to the learners.Few readersGet link to Google PowerPoint File
How to Get Link to Google PowerPoint File Click on Slides and go to the Presentation File. Click on File and then click Publish to Web. Click on Embed and next click on Publish. Copy the Url and keep it handy.Few readersHow to upload a logo for your institute?
A logo is a symbol made up of text and images that identifies your teaching platform. A good logo of your online teaching academy shows what your company does and what the brand values. Depending on your institute type, a logo will usually be consisting of a symbol or brandmark, along with a tagline. How does LOGO help your online Institute? (A) A logo makes you stand out from the competition. (B)A logo identifies key information about your learning platform. You can take the help of thiFew readersHow to enrol users(Single enrol) on a course? / How to register a user on a course ( Single enrol)?
As an educator, you might decide to enrol users individually on a course. To do so, you have to follow the simple steps as mentioned below: STEP 1: Firstly, please click on the ARROW as displayed in the image below. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/320571132/7d8391309d0c8605e5180494/Screenshot+%28273%29.png?expires=1620568800&signature=1d018865ea43c39d758ff0b189e8c2Few readersHow to use simple Lottie Animation?
A Lottie is a JSON-based animation file format that enables you to ship animations to your teaching platform. They are small files that work on any device and can scale up or down without pixelation. A Lottie animation can play your animation on the web or mobile devices while still maintaining a nice high quality. You can take the help of this video to use simple Lottie Animation. Or you can also follow a full tutorial on how to use simple LOTTIEFew readersHow to add learners(people) to your Edison platform?
STEP 1: Click on the PEOPLES tab. STEP 2: Click on the SINGLE ENROLL tab. (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesk/website/1786567430ce6c0/e31819c2-d1f5-4a7e-8d58-Few readersHow to create a duplicate classroom? (Mirror mode)?
‘MIRROR’ classroom simply means the same classroom you are expecting to create will get created and the changes you make in one classroom has an immediate affect on the other classroom as well. You can take the help of this VIDEO to understand how a DUPLICATE classroom can be created You can also follow the easy steps mentioned below to create a duplicate classroom: STEP 1: Firstly, please click on the ‘CLASSROOMS’ tab. (https://storage.crisp.cFew readersHow to Save a CSV file as UTF-8 using Google Spreadsheet for BULK user enrolment??
To save the CSV file as UTF-8 encoded, you can upload the file on Google Drive and easily store it as UTF-8. The steps are as given below: Step 1 – First, open your Google Drive account. Click on the NEW button on the top left corner, and click Upload files option. Step 2 – Browse for the required CSV file and start uploading it. Step 3 – Open the uploaded file with Google Spreadsheet.Few readersHow to Set Prerequisites to the Course Content ?
Make sure students complete all prerequisites before they can move ahead in your course! For every activity in your course it is possible to specify when students can access and interact with it. One way you can do this is by specifying other activities that have to be completed first – we call these 🔏 prerequisites. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Set Prerequisites to the Course Content ?', watch the video below youtube How to Set PrerequisFew readersHow to Assign a Role in EdisonOS?
Running your entire education business activity all by yourself is tough. If you have people to handle activities like Classroom Content Creation you can have more time to focus on marketing. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Assign a Role in EdisonOS?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Assign a Role in EdisonOS?', watch the vFew readersHow do I add cover image for the product I am selling?
It is now easy to update image of your Product with the built-in search for stock photos. You will get contextual search results which can help your sales page to define itself. The below steps can help you set the image for your product: STEP 1: While creating the product page, click on the uploading option as represented below to upload the product image: Note: if you have not createdFew readersHow can I Use Drag the Word?
EdisonOS presents tons of features that can take your content to the next level. And one among them is Drag The Word feature at a block level. And you can super easily create Drag The Words task for your learners. You can watch this below Video(English) to learn how to use Drag the word block Also you can take the help of this below Video(Hindi) to understand how you can use Draf the word BlockFew readersHow to change the display name of my Online School?
The display name is the name visible to all your learners when trying to sign in to their account. So incase you want a change in the display name and have decided to go for renaming or some modification, you can follow the simple steps below: STEP 1: From the Dashboard, head towards the SETTINGS tab. STEP 2: Now click on BRANDING . (https://storage.crisp.chat/users/helpdesFew readersHow to embed content from external Websites?
WHAT IS IFRAME? An iFrame is a frame within a frame. It is a component of an HTML element that allows you to embed documents, videos, and interactive media within a page. By doing this, you can display a secondary webpage on your main page. WHEN TO USE IFRAME? -When you want the learners to access content from third-party websites without redirecting the users away from your teaching platforming. -When you want to embed(soft-integrations) simulations, virtual labs, code-editors etc.Few readersHow Do I Use the Image Slider Block?
If you offer a content that works in a series of steps, use sliders to show the series and create a visual for your learners. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Use the Image Slider Block?', watch the video below: This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Use the Image Slider Block?', wFew readersHow to upload a video from YouTube?
YouTube has become a central hub for video sharing and virtual entertainment. You can use YouTube videos to introduce a topic, explain an online activity, motivate your learners, or simply extend the information conveyed by your eLearning course. It can be used to create an eLearning community. As you have probably seen for yourself, everyone has a voice on YouTube. BENEFITS OF UPLOADING OR INTEGRATING A VIDEO FROM YOUTUBE: --It is really easy to integrate. --It can be used toFew readersHow to view a class content?
You can take the help of this VIDEO to understand how class content can be viewed. Or to view content, you can also follow these below steps: STEP 1: First, you need to click on the “USER” tab in the classroom. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/318932215/e5876b7826e8e161a96afd3e/Screenshot+%281295%29.png?expires=1619984586&signature=03b3aFew readersHow to upload a favicon for your institute?
A favicon is a small pixel icon that serves as branding for your website Favicons are found next to anything that identifies your website. This includes bookmarks, tabs, toolbar apps, history results, and search bars. Why are Favicons Important? Creating a favicon is a small but important step to setting up a business website. (a) It adds legitimacy to your site and helps boost your online branding as well as trust from potential consumers. (b) They are an immediate visual markeFew readersHow to Change Classroom Name and Description?
You can take the help of this VIDEO to understand how a classroom name and description can be changed. You can also follow the steps mentioned below to learn the change of classroom name and description: STEP 1: Please click on the ARROW as shown in the image below. (https://downloads.intercomcdn.com/i/o/321237512/10a5a99c19731b78d950d7cfFew readersHow can I Use the Text Block?
When words meet pictures it creates a phenomenal balance to your learning material. When Your classroom have the striking balance of images with text-based content, your Classroom stands out. Also text-based content is handy when the endFew readersHow Do I Create a Classroom?
EdisonOS empowers you to organize your teaching-learning content and related activities in one place. You can easily create and upload videos and other learning materials such as quizzes, assessments, and other reference content with our helping tools. Edison lets you conduct live classes or visual presentations white-labelled in your brand. Create content, deliver personal lessons or share any kind of deliverable content at ease with our Classroom solutions. This brief English videoFew readersHow to Activate Your Multiple License in Zoom?
User management allows account owners and admins to manage their users, such as add, delete, and assign roles and add-on features. Prerequisites to activate your multiple license in Zoom Admin or Owner access Paid account This brief video outlines the process. For details about How to Activate Your Multiple License in Zoom? watch the video below How to Activate Your Multiple License in Zoom? ++Note++: You canFew readersHow to Merge Classrooms Together for a Combined Live Session?
By attaching classrooms for a live session, you are helping learners to be a part of a rich and diverse learning environment. Merge classrooms to create opportunities for your learners to work with a wide-range of individuals with different strengths. Also, it calls for a greater peer-to-peer learning in blended classroom sessions. For instance, you have a Classroom focusing on Biology and another focusing on Psychology and you would like to conduct a common live class session between tFew readersCreate a Mark the Words Activity with EdisonOS
Use the excellent Mark the Words exercise. Watch the video(English) that demonstrates how to Create a Mark the Words Activity: Watch the video(Hindi) that demonstrates how to Create a Mark the Words Activity: Creating Mark the WordFew readersHow Can I Import Learners Using a Spreadsheet?
Our Import Students with the CSV upload feature is a quick and easy way to add students to your Online Institute using a CSV file! Prepare Your Import File Before you can run a bulk import, you will need to make sure you have a spreadsheet prepared. Your import template must have the the following: A minimum of three columns that include: Email address, First name, and Last name.Few readersHow to Track Attendance of your Learners for the Live Classes ?
Most educators have this pressing challenge in their online classes How to Take Learners Attendance for Online Live sessions.EdisonOS has rightly solved this part with the attendance view functionality. So today we will help you understand how you can keep a track of the learners strength for the conducted Live session. This brief English video outlines the process. For details about How to Track Attendance of your Learners for the Live Classes? watch the video below youtube HoFew readersHow can I categorize/classify my questions effectively while creating assessments in EdisonOS? (Assessment/Question Tags)
How can I categorize/classify my questions effectively while creating assessments in EdisonOS? Use Assessment Tags to classify and categorize questions in an assessment. Sign in to EdisonOS using your configured email and password. From the Dashboard, click on Assessments. Here click on Assessment Tags. To make a new list of tags, click Create Tag to add a tag list name. Give the list a name and a description. Click on +Add Tag and create your first taFew readers