How to Set a Drip Schedule By Enrollment Date ?
Set a Drip Schedule by Enrollment Date
When creating a Drip Schedule for your course, you have the option to set it by Student Enrollment Date. This gives every student a unique schedule based on their Classroom enrolment date. This is great if you want specific blocks released a specific number of days after enrollment.
For example maybe you want students to have access to Section 1 immediately, Section 2 in their second week, and Section 3 in the third week of their enrolment.
This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Set a Drip Schedule by Enrollment Date?', watch the video below
This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Set a Drip Schedule by Enrollment Date?', watch the video below
Setting up your Drip by Enrollment Date
Go to Classrooms tab from the left side bar.
Click on the image of the Classroom you want to set drip.
Select the Drip Settings tab.
In the Drip Settings, make sure the Student Enrollment Date is selected.
For any Blocks that require a unique release schedule, input your desired number of days for each Block. If a Block is left at 0 days, students will have access immediately.
Note You can set drip content at the section level, subsection, and block level as well.
Click Save Changes on the top right and then click Yes, I'M Sure

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Important consideration on Set a Drip Schedule by Student Enrollment Date
Updated on: 06/06/2022
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