How Do I Create a Classroom?
EdisonOS empowers you to organize your teaching-learning content and related activities in one place. You can easily create and upload videos and other learning materials such as quizzes, assessments, and other reference content with our helping tools.
Edison lets you conduct live classes or visual presentations white-labelled in your brand. Create content, deliver personal lessons or share any kind of deliverable content at ease with our Classroom solutions.
This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to create a Classrooom?', watch the video below:
This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to create a Classrooom?', watch the video below:
Click on the Create to find option to create a Classroom.
Give a Name to the classroom. As now your Classroom would need an identity to it.
Next please add a suitable Description. This will help the learners to understand what lessons the Classroom will be featuring all about.
Now you can find below the Classroom Options.
Curriculum: Check the box for ‘Curriculum’ to create your courses and mock tests for your learners which enables you to track their progress from time to time.
Scheduling: Check the box for 'Scheduling' to Schedule your online classes and manage batches with utmost flexibility.
Discussion: Check the box for ‘Discussion’ to built focus channels to enable collaboration. Learn here how to create Discussion Channels
Finally click on Create Classroom to launch the classroom.

CHEERS!! Your Classroom is Live now.
PRO TIP : Go ahead and can start easily creating and organizing learning materials, conduct assessments, and facilitate discussions for your learners. You can start creating contents and uploading them inside the classroom. Also, Video content, study materials in PDFs can be made available for your learners. Your learners love the game of choosing answers to MCQs, so you can create MCQs too for them.
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How to Upload a Video Content in EdisonOS?
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How can I use Discussion channel to ask questions?
Edison lets you conduct live classes or visual presentations white-labelled in your brand. Create content, deliver personal lessons or share any kind of deliverable content at ease with our Classroom solutions.
This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to create a Classrooom?', watch the video below:
This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to create a Classrooom?', watch the video below:
Create Your First Classroom
Click on the Create to find option to create a Classroom.
Give a Name to the classroom. As now your Classroom would need an identity to it.
Next please add a suitable Description. This will help the learners to understand what lessons the Classroom will be featuring all about.
Now you can find below the Classroom Options.
Curriculum: Check the box for ‘Curriculum’ to create your courses and mock tests for your learners which enables you to track their progress from time to time.
Scheduling: Check the box for 'Scheduling' to Schedule your online classes and manage batches with utmost flexibility.
Discussion: Check the box for ‘Discussion’ to built focus channels to enable collaboration. Learn here how to create Discussion Channels
Finally click on Create Classroom to launch the classroom.

CHEERS!! Your Classroom is Live now.
PRO TIP : Go ahead and can start easily creating and organizing learning materials, conduct assessments, and facilitate discussions for your learners. You can start creating contents and uploading them inside the classroom. Also, Video content, study materials in PDFs can be made available for your learners. Your learners love the game of choosing answers to MCQs, so you can create MCQs too for them.
Related Articles:
How Can I Use the Text Block?
How to Upload a Video Content in EdisonOS?
How to create a schedule in EdisonOS?
How can I use Discussion channel to ask questions?
Updated on: 07/06/2022
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