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How can I categorize/classify my questions effectively while creating assessments in EdisonOS? (Assessment/Question Tags)

How can I categorize/classify my questions effectively while creating assessments in EdisonOS?

Use Assessment Tags to classify and categorize questions in an assessment.

Sign in to EdisonOS using your configured email and password.
From the Dashboard, click on Assessments.
Here click on Assessment Tags.
To make a new list of tags, click Create Tag to add a tag list name.
Give the list a name and a description.
Click on +Add Tag and create your first tag in this list.
You can add as many tags in this list as you have classifications.
You can create subtags list under each of the tags by clicking +Add tag beside each tag.
You have now successfully added your first tag list.

Create a Tag List with Tags and Subtags

Now, any question that you create/add in the Question Bank or in the Assessments folder can be classified or categorised using the tags & subtags from the list.

Tagging questions in the Question Bank

In Question Bank, click on a folder that has questions that need tagging.
Click on the three vertical dots in the top right corner of the question.
Once in editing mode, scroll down to see Tags.
Click +Add Tags and you will see that the tags you added appear with a check box next to each of them.
Pick the appropriate tags for your question.
You have now successfully tagged a question.

Tag a question in the Question Bank

Tagging questions created in Assessments Builder (single upload)

In the Assessment Builder, once you have created and titled a section, click on Add Question. You will see a drop down menu with Create Question and Browse Question
Browse Question allows you to browse through and pick questions categorized by tags.
Create Question will lead to the editor panel where is you find a Tags block.
You can even edit an existing question to add tags.
Click on +Add Tags and check the tags required.
Click Create Question.
You have now tagged a question using tags in the Assessment Builder.

Inserting question Tags in the Builder

Tagging questions created in Question Bank using Bulk Upload

In the Question Bank folder, when using Bulk Upload the excel sheet for data population has a column where you can upload tags.
Tags are case sensitive, so make sure to type/copy the exact tag in the way that it is mentioned in the Assessment Tags list.

Inserting Tags in a Bulk Upload Excel Sheet

Using Tagged Questions in the Rule Engine

While creating Adaptive tests, the EdisonOS Rule Engine allows you to pick questions on the basis of tags added to each question. This is especially helpful when you want to make assessments that focus on specific skills and domains.

Picking Tagged Questions while using the Rule Engine

Benefits of using tags

Easily build assessments by using tags to find questions from the Question Bank.
In-depth insights on exam performance via time analysis graph tag analysis graphs.
Use Tags while building a condition in the rule engine for adaptive testing.

Experience from the learner's side

An assessment summary uses Tags in the following ways

Time Analysis graph in the Overall Summary

In the Overall Summary of an assessment, under Section Analysis, if you click on View details, a more elaborate report appears.
Scroll down to see Time Analysis. If hover over a bar in the Time Analysis graph, you will see the tags associated to each question. This will tell a learner what category/classification of question they’ve spent more or less time on or even left unattempted.

Tag Analysis graph in the Overall Summary

Under Time Analysis, you will find another graph that depicts Tag Analysis.
You can view how many questions were answered correctly, incorrectly and skipped under a particular tag.

Time & Tag Analysis

*For a more indepth understanding of this topic watch the video below!

Updated on: 04/12/2023

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