How to Merge Classrooms Together for a Combined Live Session?
By attaching classrooms for a live session, you are helping learners to be a part of a rich and diverse learning environment. Merge classrooms to create opportunities for your learners to work with a wide-range of individuals with different strengths. Also, it calls for a greater peer-to-peer learning in blended classroom sessions.
For instance, you have a Classroom focusing on Biology and another focusing on Psychology and you would like to conduct a common live class session between these Classrooms then the Classroom having a schedule (eg. Biology) can attach the other classroom (eg. Psychology) with the help of the Classroom attachment feature in the Schedule created.
This brief English video outlines the process. For details about , 'How to Merge Classrooms Together for a Combined Live Session?' watch the video below
This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Merge Classrooms Together for a Combined Live Session?', watch the video below
Click the Classroom tab
Go to the classroom for which you want to collaborate with different classrooms for sessions together.
Next click the Schedule tab.
Click the three dots to attach Classrooms by your preference

The above animation helps you to understand that learners present in Biology and learners present in Psychology can now access the session present under one common Schedule. Conducting common sessions among classrooms is just an attachment away
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For instance, you have a Classroom focusing on Biology and another focusing on Psychology and you would like to conduct a common live class session between these Classrooms then the Classroom having a schedule (eg. Biology) can attach the other classroom (eg. Psychology) with the help of the Classroom attachment feature in the Schedule created.
This brief English video outlines the process. For details about , 'How to Merge Classrooms Together for a Combined Live Session?' watch the video below
This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Merge Classrooms Together for a Combined Live Session?', watch the video below
Add Schedule to a classroom
Click the Classroom tab
Go to the classroom for which you want to collaborate with different classrooms for sessions together.
Next click the Schedule tab.
Click the three dots to attach Classrooms by your preference

The above animation helps you to understand that learners present in Biology and learners present in Psychology can now access the session present under one common Schedule. Conducting common sessions among classrooms is just an attachment away
Related Article
create your first schedule inside a classroom.
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How to create and use tags in EdisonOS?
How to Remove a Tag from a User?
Updated on: 28/09/2022
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