Articles on: Create

How Can I upload a PDF file?

Inserting a PDF learning activity in your Classroom is an interesting way to provide material to your students which can be downloaded, and even maintain the same format in comparison with Word documents.

Watch the video(English) that demonstrates how to Create a PDF learning Activity:

Watch the video(Hindi) that demonstrates how to Create a PDF learning Activity:

Create a PDF Learning Activity

First click the Classroom tab and next click the classroom for which you want to upload the PDF file.
Click Add block and search PDF in the search bar and click it.
Give a Title for the PDF .Next click the Save button.
Enter a Caption for the PDF content . you can enable the PDF print option and also the download. If you want the learners to take the advantage to download and print then give access to the learners to download or print.
Click Save button

NOTE: You can add security key to PDF content to add a layer of encryption to the PDF file.

Experiencing the Learner Side

Please click on the User profile from top right corner.
Click on My Library to go for the classroom.
Next go to the Classroom for which you want to find the Tables
Click the Start button to view the table of contents. Next Click PDF block content.

Wonderful that you have learnt the steps to upload a PDF file. Now create PDF files and use PDF Block to upload quickly share the pdf files instantly with your learners. Let your students get the best of your educational content.

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Updated on: 07/06/2022

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