How Do I Use Flashcard in EdisonOS?

Flashcards are a popular way to help your learners.

This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Use Flashcard in EdisonOS?', watch the video below:

This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Use Flashcard in EdisonOS?', watch the video below:

How to Add Flashcard?

Click on the Classroom tab and select the Classroom in which you want to use the flashcard
Next Click on Add Block and search for Flash Card
Give a suitable Title to the Flashcard & click Save to confirm on the title.
Click Upload to add images for the Flashcard. You can also add images using Image Url.
Now type your Question. This will be the question that the students will see and answer.
Type down your Answer

If you want to add more Flashcards then tap on Click Here to Add Items. Click Upload to add images for the Flashcard.
Now type your Question. This will be the question that the students will see and answer.
Click on the Save button save the data.

Experiencing the Learner Side

Please click on the User profile from top right corner.
Click on My Library to go for the classroom.
Next go to the Classroom for which you want to find the Tables
Click the Start button and to view the table of contents. Click Flash Card content.

PRO TIP: As flashcards are acknowledged as one of the classic study tools, so now you can use them to promote learning through active recall, which is one of the practices through which brains learn most effectively.

There are several websites that can help you to create good virtual Flashcards.

Related Article
What are Flashcards & their uses?
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Updated on: 07/06/2022

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