How to Set a Drip Schedule By Classroom Start Date?
Set a Drip Schedule by Classroom Start Date
When Drip is based on the Classroom start date, the schedule will come into effect when your student accesses your classroom content for the first time. This gives every student a unique schedule based on when they first access classroom content!
How It Works
When a student gets enrolled into your Classroom on March 1st and let's say they did start one of the Classrooms, we'll call it Classroom B, until March 25th. No problem! The Drip Schedule for Classroom B will start on March 25th as soon as they access the Classroom B.
This brief English video outlines the process. For details about How to Set a Drip Schedule By Classroom Start Date? , watch the video below
This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about How to Set a Drip Schedule By Classroom Start Date? , watch the video below
How to Set a Drip Schedule by Classroom Start Date
Go to the Classrooms tab
Click on the image of the Classroom you want to set drip.
Select the Drip Settings tab
In the Drip settings, make sure Student Course Start Date is selected.
For any blocks that require a unique release schedule, input your desired number of days after the start date for each block. If a block is left at 0 days, students will have access as soon as they go to the navigation for this classroom.
Click save changes on the top right and next click on Yes, I'M Sure.
NotePlease make sure at least one block in a section is accessible.
This Drip option is customized in days. The day that your student first accesses the Student Classroom Navigation for this particular classroom is day 0.
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Updated on: 06/06/2022
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