How can I set Multiple Choice Questions(MCQs) for my learners?

MCQs are a great way for you to test and track your student's understanding of your course content.

This Video in English version will help you to set Multiple choice questions in just a few mins.

This video in Hindi version will guide you to set Multiple choice questions in no time.

How to Create a Quiz

Click the Classroom tab from the left sidebar.
Click the Classroom for which you want to use the MCQ.
Click Add Block. Search for the MCQ block in the search bar and tap on it.
Next give a suitable Title for the MCQ block. And then click on Save option
In the question field, type the question for MCQ.
Give the suitable options and click add more options.Next give the other options to the question.
Select the right answers from the given answer choices by clicking on the check box. Once done click on SAVE

Note: Also you can prepare MCQ tests with more than one right answer.

Experience the Learner side

Click on the User profile . Next click Visit User Site
Click My Library.
Click the classroom for which the MCQ you need to experience as a learner.
Tap the Start button and then click on the Multiple choice to experience the MCQ as a learner.

This sums up how to create more Multiple choice questions assessments for your students. This type of assessment can be helpful when your learners are preparing for the competitive exams and you are helping them for the mock tests.

PRO TIP: Try to regularly use multiple-choice tests, you can know if your learners have in-depth understood the concepts.

Related Article
Learn MCQ and How it Works
Why MCQ Assessment are so Important?

Updated on: 07/06/2022

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