The New Sub-admin Role: How To Create A Role?

Assigning specific roles to sub-admins like Classroom Creation or Managing Products wasn't possible in the previous version.

With the latest Roles Feature, you will be able to assign a role to your sub-admins.

This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Role in EdisonOS?', watch the video below:

This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Role in EdisonOS?', watch the video below:

How to Create a Role?

Go to People tab and next click on Roles
Create a role by clicking on Create Role
Give a suitable Role and set the permissions.
Note: In case you want to restrict the Sub-Admin from accessing the classrooms that others created then you can restrict the role by checking the box that says Room Level
Next click on Create Role to publish the new role.

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How to Assign a Sub-Admin in EdisonOS?
Know What a Sub-Admin Role is !

Updated on: 07/06/2022

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