How do I add cover image for the product I am selling?

It is now easy to update image of your Product with the built-in search for stock photos. You will get contextual search results which can help your sales page to define itself. The below steps can help you set the image for your product:

STEP 1: While creating the product page, click on the uploading option as represented below to upload the product image:

Note: if you have not created your product yet, you can create one by following this

STEP 2: Click on the contextual search image to finally set the cover image of the classroom:

STEP 3: Click on the contextual search image to finally set the cover image of the classroom.

Once the image is uploaded you can experience it something like this:

STEP 4: Finally, click on the UPDATE PRODUCT

WOOW! You have successfully uploaded the product image.

The image below shows how students will experience your product from their store:

Updated on: 13/07/2021

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