How to Create a Fill In The Blanks Question in EdisonOS?
Create your first Fill in the Blanks Assessment Type Question and make the learning fun and interactive.
This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Fill In The Blanks Question in EdisonOS?', watch the video below
This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Fill In The Blanks Question in EdisonOS?', watch the video below
Click on the Classroom tab and select Classroom for which you want to set Fill in the Blanks type Question.
Click on the Ad Block and search for Fill in the Blanks Question in the search bar and click it.
Set a new Title to it and click on the Save option.
Give a suitable Block Name and fill the Description field to set a better learning context.
Enter your Question inside the text box and add an asterisk infront and behind the correct answer/word.
Note: If you need to use multiple words as answer, then you should use underscore(_) between the words.
Example: there are two_books on the table.
Check the hint box Show Hint to insert the hint for the question.
Click on Save once you are done.

Please click on the User profile from top right corner.
Click on My Library to go for the classroom.
Next go to the Classroom for which you want to find the Fill in the Blanks
Click the Start button and to view the table of contents. Click Fill in the Blanks content.

This is how Students will be able to see their questions as shown above.
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This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Fill In The Blanks Question in EdisonOS?', watch the video below
This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to Create a Fill In The Blanks Question in EdisonOS?', watch the video below
How to Create a Fill In The Blanks Question?
Click on the Classroom tab and select Classroom for which you want to set Fill in the Blanks type Question.
Click on the Ad Block and search for Fill in the Blanks Question in the search bar and click it.
Set a new Title to it and click on the Save option.
Give a suitable Block Name and fill the Description field to set a better learning context.
Enter your Question inside the text box and add an asterisk infront and behind the correct answer/word.
Note: If you need to use multiple words as answer, then you should use underscore(_) between the words.
Example: there are two_books on the table.
Check the hint box Show Hint to insert the hint for the question.
Click on Save once you are done.

Experiencing the Learner Side
Please click on the User profile from top right corner.
Click on My Library to go for the classroom.
Next go to the Classroom for which you want to find the Fill in the Blanks
Click the Start button and to view the table of contents. Click Fill in the Blanks content.

This is how Students will be able to see their questions as shown above.
Related Article
What is Fill in the Blanks Assessment Type & How can it be helpful for your learners?
How can I use Drag the Word?
Updated on: 07/06/2022
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