How Can I Import Learners Using a Spreadsheet?

Our Import Students with the CSV upload feature is a quick and easy way to add students to your Online Institute using a CSV file!

Prepare Your Import File

Before you can run a bulk import, you will need to make sure you have a spreadsheet prepared.

Your import template must have the the following:

A minimum of three columns that include: Email address, First name, and Last name.
The first row of your columns must be column header names (ie. first_name, last_name, email).
Your file must have an .CSV extension
Include a maximum of 50 students. Please split the file into multiple imports if you are looking to import a larger number of students.

Important Notes

Email/Mobile number is required to create an account.
You can use Mobile Number (or) Email (or) both for user creation.
Password is optional if you use email id for creating a user.
In case Password is set , it has to be communicated by you to the user separately.
If Password is not set by you, the link for setting a password will be automatically sent to the user to the given email id.
Password is mandatory if you use only Mobile number.
While adding a mobile number, always enter the country code followed by the mobile number. Don’t add additional 0's are (+) symbol. For instance, if the mobile number belongs to India, it should be 9197********

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Updated on: 09/06/2022

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