How to Integrate and set up Google Single Sign on ?

EdisonOS comes up with the Google Single Sign on to smoothen your Login Journey. When you enable SSO, users aren't prompted to enter a password when they try to access Google services. Instead, they are redirected to an external identity provider to authenticate.

Set up Google Single Sign on

Go to the Credentials Page
Select your Country and click the checkbox for Terms of Service. . Next click agree and continue
Now click on the Create Project
Give a proper Project Name. It can be the name of your Institute. And next click on Create to proceed.
Click credentials that you see on the left sidebar. Then click +Create Credentials & tap +OAuth client ID.
Click Configure consent screen.
Select External option from the user type.

Fill the app information.

Give a suitable App Name. This can be the Name of your Online Institute.
Insert your Email ID. You can select the Email ID from the drop down
Scroll down to fill the Developer Contact Information. Here you can provide your Email ID.
After you fill Developers Contact Information you can click Save & Continue.
Go to Credentials from the left sidebar. Click Create Credentials and then OAuth client ID.
Once inside, select Web Application from the application type drop down. Give your Online Institute Name under the name field.
Place your Institute URL by clicking on +Add Url under the urls field. And tap the Create button to proceed.
Copy the Client ID & Client Secret and keep it handy for the final configuration step in EdisonOS.

Tip: Avoid updating your logo in the process to gain access to the key and secret code immediately, else Google will take time to verify.

Final Steps to integrate Google Single Sign on

Go to settings in your EdisonOS Account and click Single Sign on.
Toggle to enable the Google SSO option.
Paste the copied Client ID into the Client ID field and the Client Secret into the Client secret ID field.
Finally click Save to save the data successfully.

That is really great to see you setting up Google Single Sign on.Happy Teaching

Updated on: 26/04/2022

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