How to Create and Use Tags in EdisonOS?

Tags are identifiers. So, when you want your instructors or users to be a part of a schedule, you use tags.

Tip: Assign User tags if you would like to restrict access to the Sessions for Schedule.

This brief English video outlines the process. For details about 'How to create and use tags in EdisonOS?', watch the video below:

This brief Hindi video outlines the process. For details about 'How to create and use tags in EdisonOS?', watch the video below:

Assigning tags to your learners 🏷

Open the Users tab of your Classroom
Click add tag next to the name of the user whom you want to share a tag name.
Open the dropdown menu to create a new tag. Create a new tag or choose an existing tag
Click update to save the changes.
Go to Schedules and add a tag to the schedule.

P.S: If a schedule has no Tags in a classroom, every session can be viewed by every user of the classroom.

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How can I Create a Schedule in EdisonOS?
How Can I remove a tag from a user?
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Updated on: 07/06/2022

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