How can I verify my Email Address?
It can happen that the verification link had expired due to delay in access to it and now you need to resend another verification email to verify your email id. So you can click the resend button to have another email sent to you.
Note: Your account will be deleted in few days if you don't verify your email. If you have not received the verification email, please check your "Spam" or "Bulk Email" folder.
So to resend a verification email please check out the below steps and have your email id instantly verified:
STEP 1: In the home page screen click on the option that says RESEND VERIFICATION EMAIL

STEP 2: Then you need to click on VERIFY YOUR EMAIL and a verification email will be send to the email address.

STEP 3: You will receive a email as below.Click on the link to proceed to verify your email id.

STEP 4: Finally you need to click on VERIFY to see a successful verification of your Email Id.

Congrats for successfully verifying your email id .
Note: Your account will be deleted in few days if you don't verify your email. If you have not received the verification email, please check your "Spam" or "Bulk Email" folder.
So to resend a verification email please check out the below steps and have your email id instantly verified:
STEP 1: In the home page screen click on the option that says RESEND VERIFICATION EMAIL

STEP 2: Then you need to click on VERIFY YOUR EMAIL and a verification email will be send to the email address.

STEP 3: You will receive a email as below.Click on the link to proceed to verify your email id.

STEP 4: Finally you need to click on VERIFY to see a successful verification of your Email Id.

Congrats for successfully verifying your email id .
Updated on: 09/09/2021
Thank you!